0115 946 1583 enquiries@hacm.co.uk

About Us

Our multidisciplinary team of case managers are based in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Derbyshire, with an operational reach across the East and West Midlands and The North West.

We can travel up to two hours from our bases to our clients’ homes, whilst we aim to select rehabilitation services within an hours’ travel from our clients’ homes.

Why choose HACM?

With case managers from a broad range of health and social care disciplines, including nursing, occupational therapy and social work, HACM has an ethos of cohesive team working, drawing on this broad knowledge-base, to respond to the changing needs of clients as they progress through their rehabilitative journey. All of our case managers and Advanced BABICM Members and provide a bespoke service, through collaborative working that puts the client at the centre of all we do.