Your Questions Answered
Understandably, if you have never used case management services before, you are likely to have lots of questions about case management and HACM in particular. Many of your initial questions should be listed below.
Simply click on the questions below to reveal the answers.
Who does the case manager work for?
The case manager works for the client i.e. the person who has suffered an injury. In the case of a child, the case manager works in conjunction with the parents, but remains the child’s advocate.
How is the case management service paid for?
The costs of case management are usually paid by a personal injury compensation claim. If your case has not yet been settled, an ‘interim payment’ may have been obtained. This is often held by the solicitor, acting on behalf of the client. Sometimes, the insurers will pay the case manager directly.
Funds are obtained in the same way for services such as rehabilitation, accommodation, care and support and specialist equipment. If your claim has been settled, funds may be held by a court appointed Financial Deputy who will arrange payment of the case management invoice.
How is the case manager appointed?
HACM director, Sam Harris, considers which one of the HACM case managers is suitable and whether they will be able to competently manage your case within the, previously mentioned, two hour travel limit. HACM have a number of case managers, based in various locations, experienced in a variety of specialisms.
What happens if my case manager is away?
If your case manager is, for example, on holiday, another case manager will be assigned to you during your case manager’s absence. If you have any questions whilst your case manager is away or unavailable, you can also contact the HACM office for advice and information.
How often will I see my case manager?
Case management tends to be most intensive during the initial set up of rehabilitation. This is when therapies are being set up and getting established. During this initial period some clients require fortnightly visits, sometimes even weekly visits, for several months. Others will commence with visits every month with regular telephone / email contact in-between visits. Your case management plan, which is prepared after your initial assessment, will give an estimation of anticipated levels of case management in your particular case, based on the assessment of your individual need.
How long does the case management process go on for?
Case management will continue, dependent on your individual need and with your solicitors’ and your agreement. It may continue indefinitely, or it may be only over a relatively short period to solve specific problems. When support workers are recruited to help you, we tend to advise that case management continues to deal with employment matters and to monitor the support provided.